Sunday, February 28, 2016

Chaos Haiku, written from the perspective of my protagonist Kami

I’m exhausted but thrilled after my first Left Coast Crime convention. What wonderful people! This haiku is from the perspective of my protagonist in Chaos Theory.

Chaos brews unleash’d,
wreathing skies, checkerboard land
there grieving, I yield.
(The ‘d is a breath, a sigh, a gasp not a syllable.)

Chaos Theory is a Poisoned Pencil YA crime fiction. It is about a young woman who buries a letter written to her from her grandmother, given to her on her death. Kami drops  it unopened into her school locker and buries it under mementos and items in a chaos theory science experiment. In the final chapter, she deconstructs the mess in the locker with a friend...

"All fall semester, I hid from this letter, burying it under piles of junk, while I tried to find the right place for it in my universe. It is time. I open her letter... And think about a butterfly beating gossamer wings--a tiny increment of everyday life, a tiny moment of chaos that changes lives forever."

Best wishes on your blog, Mary. And thank you again for a wonderful prompt!

M Evonne Dobson (Meg E Dobson)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

See you at Left Coast Crime in Phoenix? Giveaways!

Look for me at Left Coast Crime 2016 in Phoenix Feb 25th to Feb 28th
Left Coast Crime is an annual mystery fan convention, and I am thrilled to be a part of it this year. Give-away you ask? YOU BET!
For aspiring published authors: 5 PAGES/5 PEOPLE This is a chance to have me review 5 PAGES of YOUR MANUSCRIPT and 5 PEOPLE’s names will be drawn.
Also receive FREE DOWNLOADS of my short story POLITICS OF CHAOS if you post a selfie with me, sign up on my webpage, or post something on Facebook about meeting me in person.
Where will I be?
• Sisters in Crime’s reception (free food) Thursday 5:30PM to 6:30PM.
• Friday’s New Author Breakfast - 7:30AM – so drag yourself out of bed! I’m in the 2nd group being introduced! Probably in Regency B and C, but program will show it.
• Friday’s “From Fan to Published Author” Panel 1:30PM –2:30PM Ellis W
• Booksigning after the panel discussion.
• Saturday’s Discover Mystery Breakfast sponsored by my press, The Poisoned Pen from 7:30AM to 9:00AM. Meet the authors, obtain their secret passwords and you might win a great book bundle. I’ll have a table to host – so be there for an extra give-away from me too! Again probably in Regency B/C.
See you there! Next year’s venue for Left Coast Crime? Hawaii 2017