Friday, March 28, 2014

Spread the Writer's Love... Please?

A long time internet friend and all around great writer and person needs help. If you've never met or touched base with Julie Butcher (Yes, NYT awesomeness Jim Butcher is her brother) your life is not complete. She's giving and incredible. She's the woman whose husband built her a 'writing house' behind their home so she could squirrel away to work without interference. I believe I blogged about it once.

Basically, her husband had a chainsaw incident. You can read the details here:  

If you are able to be of assistance, there is a neat sign up form at

The last I shared twitter notes with Julie, she had received a promotion with the awesome folks at  I'm sure they will have something working as well.

You can't imagine the expenses that are associated with an incident like this: transportation, time away from work, disability issues, just to name a few. (I know because in RL I'm an insurance agent.)

My heart goes out to Julie, her husband, and their children. (Dare I call them kids? I think they are quite grown up now,)

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